“It is important to emphasise that eco-design is not about dismissing the fundamental principles of design simply in favour of environmental gains. Positive environmental outcomes can be achieved during the design stage to ensure the best performance or result can be delivered over the long term without compromising form or function.”
When bying clothing, the average shopper probably does not think about the process of the clothing production and all that is involved - I know I never did. And when hearing of 'eco-clothing' I always pictured the "crunchy granola" girl in Birkenstocks, with baggy pants, a scarf and maybe some dreads. Well, I have to say I have been thoroughly educated. I never realized the environmental damage the production of clothing can cause - from the extraction of raw materials, material processing, manufacture and distribution, to even the shipping and marketing process.
In my research over the past few weeks, I definitely corrected my image of eco-clothing and learned that it is not just about the selection of 'eco-materials' such as organic cotton, hemp and soy - just to name a few, but it is also about making decisions that will reduce the overall environmental impact. And it is also about using, or not using, textile materials in a way that reduces consumption and makes them more sustainable.
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